Friday, August 19, 2011

Fire Congress

Why can't the republicans get it? Giving tax breaks to people and companies that make over six figures doesn't help the economy. It's been shown that they only put the extra cash in their pockets. I say this next election vote anyone who is an incumbent, congress approval rating has never been lower, they only listen to the corporate lobbyists and whoever puts the most money in their campaign funds.

Please don't listen to the right or tea party caucus, it is their fault that the economy is as bad as it is now. Stand up and do the right thing by voting out everyone in congress. They didn't listen to you so why should you listen to them. Congress goes on vacation when the economy is at its' worse in a century. In the last ten years the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Is this the America you want? I'm not a socialist or any other -ist but trying to get by now is next to impossible. If you're not already "in" then forget it, you will never be "in" and will struggle your whole life just to make ends meet. Education costs have doubled, health care costs have doubled what they were. Funny my pay hasn't increased, I haven't seen a raise since leaving the military in 2003

I should be grateful to even have a job? This is what I've been told, "at least you have a job". Puhleeze! I can't afford health insurance, have no savings, no retirement fund; and I should feel grateful?

We really need to fire everyone in D.C. Maybe if they are on the street looking for a job they'll finally get the message.